Here we have many steps from the first till the end, read them carefully to learn completely this part of Microsoft Word.

#1. Click Insert tab to Use Charts in Microsoft Office Word 2016

Apparently, option chart has a small figure in Insert tab, but it can solve a big problem of your documents or your information. Now click on this option.

#2 Insert Deferent types of Chart

When you clicked the options chart, you see this new page which contains deferent types of chart,  like Column chart, Line chart, Pie chart and etc. you can use them for deferent reasons, according to your Document or your information, you can select the chart which depended on, then click OK.

#3. Insert your Data in these Tables

When you select your favorite chart after clicking on that you will see a new window like excel which has named Chart in Microsoft Word. here you can Insert your data to see the result on the chart. In this new window, you have enough tables for your data, when you write completely your data, your data directly will insert in a chart and when you finished you can close the date window and design your chart.

#4. Design Your Chart as a Favorite or Change the Position

When you Inserted your Data and closed that window you see your main page here you can bring some changes for your chart. Tow options you have on the top of your page.

Design Formate

Design: In this group, you can bring some basic changes for your chart. For example, you can change your data, type of your chart, colors, and style of your chart. To use each of them you can click on them and make a deferent chart. But here you have some other options that you need every time, on right side of the chart you have these options

#5. Through the Format Tab Bring some General and Basic                         Changes in your Chart

In this tab, you have some other options that help you to edit your chart. The options which have signed. They contain some other options that each of them has their own task. Now see the explanation  


It was all about using charts in Microsoft Office Word 2016. You can use charts in Ms Excel also but mostly you need to use them in Ms Word. Use Charts in Microsoft Office Word 2016 to share your census or statistics in your topics, books or other projects.

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