How To Set Up Voicemail on iPhone
In this article, we will be discussing how you can set up voicemail on your iPhone.
Set Up Voicemail On iPhone
To set up voicemail on your iPhone, follow the steps given below-
Open the Phone app on your iPhone. On the lower right corner of the Phone app, click on Voicemail. Next, tap on the Set Up Now option. You will be asked to enter the password. After you enter the password, tap on Done. Next, re-enter the password, and then tap on Done again.You will next have to set up a custom greeting. Tap on Custom to create the custom greeting.Next, tap on the Record button to record your custom recording. Once you are done recording the message, tap on Stop to stop the recording. Once done, tap on Done to set up voicemail on your iPhone.
Listen To Voicemail
Now that you have set up the voicemail on your iPhone, you will want to listen to the recorded messages you receive. To listen to your Voicemail, follow the steps given below-
Open the Phone app on your iPhone. Here, head to the Voicemail tab. You will see a list of voicemails, select the voicemail you want to play. Now, tap on the Play button to play the voicemail.
Final Words
This is how you can set up voicemail on your iPhone. If you own an iPhone but don’t know how to enable voicemail on iPhone, then this article will help you with it.
How Do I Activate Voicemail On My iPhone?
If you want to activate/enable the voicemail on your iPhone, then you will be able to do so by following the step-by-step guide we have mentioned above.
Why Can’t I Set Up Voicemail On iPhone?
Voicemail is a carrier feature and it is not up to you to set up the voicemail. It is up to you your carrier whether they provide visual or the standard voicemail. If you are unable to set up voicemail on your iPhone, then it may be because of the carrier. You can read this article to learn how to fix a voicemail not working error.
How Do I Restore My Voicemail On My iPhone?
If you want to restore your voicemail on your iPhone, then follow the steps given below to do so-
Head to the Settings of your phone. In the Settings, head to the Phone section and then to Voicemail. Here, tap on Deleted Messages option and look out for the deleted voicemails. Select the voicemail you want to recover, and tap on Undelete button to get back the message.
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