This guide will show you what a Life360 Circle is and how to leave one. Read on to learn more.  

What Is a Circle on Life360?

One of the most popular features of the Life360 app is the ability to create and join various groups called “Circles.” Users’ locations are only shared with the circle members. After joining a Circle, your role can be assigned by the admins of the group. To join a Circle on Life360, follow these steps:  

How to Leave a Circle on Life360

While being in a Circle is a great way to track one another’s locations, it can be invasive to your daily life and activities.  To leave a Life360 Circle, follow the steps below: If you are the Circle administrator, you’ll need to assign a new admin before leaving. Keep in mind that members of the circle will be notified that you’ve left.  

Final Thoughts

The Circles feature on Life360 is one of the best ways to share locations with your chosen friends and family members. It gives you an idea of where they are in real time and if they are safe.  However, you may want to leave a Circle once it’s inactive or if you are no longer comfortable exposing your location. Either way, hopefully this guide taught you how to leave a Circle on Life360.