Show Mac OS X Hidden Files Using Terminal

It seems like everyday people search Google for the command to show hidden files on Mac OS X, not to mention Googling for the command to hide those hidden files a few minutes later. Today I decided to make a short and easy way to show macOS hidden files and folders or hide hidden files and folders. All I need to do now is type ShowFiles and HideFiles whenever I need to show or hide OS X’s hidden files. Here’s how you can do it too. Step #1. First, what you’re going to do is open the Terminal. To open Terminal, you’ve to click on the “Go” button at the Mac OS X menu bar then choose “Utilities“. The simple and easy way to open the terminal on Mac OS X El Capitan, press  “Command+ Space” key from your keyboard. This is the easiest way to open the terminal on Mac OS X El Capitan. Step #2. Once you open the Terminal then type this command on your terminal. defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES Killall Finder As you can see the screenshot below by using the above command, you can see all the hidden files on Mac OS X. You can delete them or you customize them. As you’ve understood now that how to show MacOS hidden files and folders by using terminal utility but now you may want to hide those hidden files because you don’t need them to be shown on your device. Step #1. Open up Terminal then type the following commands. If you don’t know how to open Terminal, read step one of this article. defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO Killall Finder In this article, we could cover how to show Mac OS hidden files and folders and as well as how to hide Mac OS X hidden files and folders. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this article, and I really appreciate you that share your idea via comment with us. Thanks for being with us.