In short if you want your videos to be able to be viewed on as many different types of devices and platforms as possible – converting it to MP4 with H.264 is one of your best options. Although there are several ways that you can do that, none is as easy or versatile as Movavi Video Converter.

How to Convert a Video to MP4

If you already have a video that you’d like to convert right now, why not go ahead and download Movavi Video Converter then install it. It won’t take long and you should have no difficulty following step-by-step instructions in the installation wizard. Once installed, launch Movavi Video Converter and add the video that you want to convert to it by dragging and dropping the file into the main working area. Another way to add videos is to click on the ‘Add Media’ button, select ‘Add Video’, then locate and add the file. Next you should open up the ‘Video’ tab near the bottom area of Movavi Video Converter’s interface to access the various options that are available. One of the categories listed there should be ‘MP4’ and you can select it then pick any one of the presets under it.

The difference between the various presets of MP4 is mainly the resolution that they use, so you can select the size that suits your needs. Assuming you don’t want to change the dimensions of your video at all, just choose the preset labeled ‘Original Size’ and Movavi Video Converter will use the same resolution as the original video. To start converting your video you need to click on the ‘Convert’ button, but before that you should click on the ‘folder’ icon next to the ‘Save as’ field to set the destination folder. After you start converting your video it shouldn’t take long before Movavi Video Converter is done, and will open the folder containing the converted video. In addition to letting you convert video to MP4 so easily, there are a number of other features in Movavi Video Converter that may prove useful. It can convert audio and image files too, and you can use it to create animated GIFs, extract audio tracks, or grab screenshots from videos. On top of that you could edit your videos, compress them, or even resize their frame using several different methods. Suffice to say Movavi Video Converter is a useful all-round media converter and utility that has a lot to offer in addition to helping you to convert videos to MP4 or any other format. It won’t take you long to explore its features, and you should definitely make it a point to do so in order to see exactly what they can do for yourself. Check Also: FilmoraGo Video Editor for PC (Windows and Mac) More Posts - Website Follow Me: