Cancel Your YouTube TV Subscription 2023

In this article, We’ll discuss how to cancel your YouTube TV subscription using both your phone and Computer

1 Cancel Your YouTube TV Subscription 20231.1 Cancel Your YouTube TV Subscription Using Desktop1.2 Cancel Your YouTube TV Subscription Using Mobile App

Cancel Your YouTube TV Subscription Using Desktop

You can use your web version of the service on your desktop to cancel your YouTube TV subscription. To do so, follow the steps given below:

Open the browser on your PC, and then head to the website of YouTube TV.On the YouTube TV page, click on your profile icon on the top right corner of the website.From the menu that opens up, click on the Settings option.Next, click on the Manage button that you will find next to the plan.Next, you will be asked whether you want to pause the subscription or cancel it. To cancel the subscription, click on the Cancel button.

You will be asked to select the reason as to why you are unsubscribing from the service. Once done, click on Continue Canceling. Next, click on the Yes, Cancel button and your YouTube TV subscription will be canceled.

Cancel Your YouTube TV Subscription Using Mobile App

If you want to cancel the YouTube TV subscription using the mobile app, then you do have the option to do it as well. To cancel your YouTube TV subscription using the mobile app, follow the steps given below-

Open the YouTube TV app on your mobile device.Next, tap on your Avatar icon that you will find at the top right corner of the app window.On the next window, tap on the Settings option, and then on the Membership option.Next, tap on the Manage button that you will find next to your plan.On the next screen, tap on the Cancel button to continue ahead with canceling the YouTube TV subscription.

After doing so, you will have to select the reason for canceling the YouTube TV subscription. Select the reason from the given list. If you want to select any other reason or give an in-depth explanation of why you want to cancel the subscription, then tap on Other. Next, tap on the Continue Cancelling button, and then on the Yes, Cancel button to cancel the subscription.


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These were the two ways to cancel your YouTube subscription. We have discussed how you can opt-out of the service using your desktop as well as your mobile app. Following the above steps, you will be able to cancel your YouTube TV plan easily.


How To Cancel YouTube TV Subscription 2023  PC Mobile  - 82How To Cancel YouTube TV Subscription 2023  PC Mobile  - 78