DU Screen Recorder is available for mobile but you can download it and install it on your PC using the BlueStacks emulator in 7 easy steps. DU Recorder for PC is useful in recording and sharing training videos, demonstrations, and presentations.

How to Download and Install DU Recorder for PC Using BlueStacks Emulator

  1. Download and install BlueStacks Emulator on your PC BlueStacks is an excellent Android emulator that lets you experience using Android on your PC. Download and install the BlueStacks emulator and run it by opening it.
  2. Sign in to your Gmail account Go to my apps in the BlueStacks emulator and click on the email. Log in to your Gmail account. This is because for you to be able to use Google Play Store you need to log in to your Gmail account.
  3. Go to Google Play Store Click the back button on your BlueStacks emulator after signing in to your Gmail account and go to Google Play Store. Click on it and open it.
  4. Search for DU Recorder on the search bar Click on the Google Play Store search bar. Type “DU Recorder.”
  5. Click on DU Recorder and download it. After choosing DU Recorder click on install to download it. This may take a few minutes. It will be installed automatically.
  6. Go to my apps and click on DU Recorder. Choose DU Recorder in my apps to run and use it. That’s it now you can have fun using the DU Recorder on your PC. Also Read: ZIN Screen Recorder App for PC More Posts - Website Follow Me: